Walt's Apartment Productions
"Experience the magic of Disney, Marvel, Pixar, and Star Wars like never before! Tune into Walt's Apartment Productions for all the latest news, stories, and updates from the world of Disney - from the parks to the movies and everything in between. Join us now and never miss another moment of the magic!" Check out all of our incredible shows in our feed. The Mad Tea Party, The Tribe, Knights of the Rogue Republic, Extra Magic Hour, Imagine That, The Disney Universe Podcast, DU Tiki Cast, and Walts Apartment Live. As always, we hope you enjoy the view from Walt's Apartment.
Walt's Apartment Productions
DU Episode #163: John Williams, Tony Baxter, & Tiana Walk Into a Bar...
Welcome back to the Disney Universe! We have a fun show. We're joined by our good friend Jacob. We discuss the new John Williams documentary on Disney+, Joey & Alex talk about the Tony Baxter event at Stage Nine in Sacramento, and Joey & Jacob give a Disneyland Trip Report highlighted by the opening of Tiana's Bayou Adventure and Christmas time. Then we end with the top things we're thankful for this year. So sit back, relax, & enjoy the show!
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